Invest in threaded inserts if you want an easier, sturdier solution to fastening pieces of metal together. These inserts contain visible thread tracks that work like strong, durable threads for machine screws. The threaded design improves the way that manufacturing is done in many different industries. Learn more about these special designs of inserts and why you should consider using them.
Different Types of Thread Designs
There are different types of threaded inserts available for use. Find a large variety of materials, such as steel, plastic, brass or PVC. To resist the harshest natural environments, find materials that comply with AS9100C aerospace standards.
Choose the type of design that is most suitable for the type of construction. There are molded, key lock, brass and blind inserts available. Molded inserts are designed for secure placement into plastic cavities. These inserts are meant to be molded into the plastics during a process.
Key lock inserts are designed to make repairs on threads. You insert the keys and lock the threads into place. It is simple to insert and remove the parts using easy-to-follow guides. In hardware stores, find thread repair kits with all the tools you need.
Threaded brass inserts are manufactured for placement into all types of plastics along with woods. It takes a few special tools and techniques to make installations into wood. It is a different set of procedures to make insertions into thermoplastic. Usually, a soldering iron is needed to push the insert into the material where it stays put.
Blinded inserts contain blind ends that prevent intrusion to the threads. Self-locking blind inserts are made when you need to prevent vibrations that loosen the screws.
Knife thread inserts allow you to insert the parts easily into all types of woods. The knife-like threads are easy to cut into wood for the best attachment.
There are inserts manufactured for installations into both hard woods and soft woods. Find these inserts in various wood items from furniture to kitchen cabinets. Without these small metal parts, you cannot do something as simple as swing open a kitchen cabinet door. Your furniture chairs would fall apart the moment you sit down. The metal parts of the inserts provide the highest level of stability.
All types of professionals need threaded inserts from military personnel to automotive repairmen to aerospace engineers. Whether you need sturdy spaceships or long-lasting electronics, you need the kind of quality that ensures maximum performance. These inserts make it easy to conjoin metal materials that people use from day to day. The steel, brass and plastic materials are strong enough to last for decades of continual use. In general, everyone wants reliability and durability in the products they buy. Most of all, manufacturers want to ensure they get the best inserts for their day-to-day needs.