Sufficient Nutrition and Attention From a Dental Clinic in Apple Valley MN Help People Keep Their Teeth for a Lifetime

by | Feb 9, 2016 | Dental Health

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A Dental Clinic in Apple Valley MN is dedicated to helping patients keep their own teeth as long as possible. Dietary considerations factor into this goal. People need plenty of calcium and vitamin D to keep their teeth and gums healthy. Many people don’t get enough.

Calcium is essential for keeping teeth strong and for the health of the jawbone structure that holds teeth in place. Vitamin D must be present for the body to effectively absorb calcium. That’s why certain foods and beverages, such as milk, are fortified with vitamin D. Vitamin D does not occur naturally in many foods; it’s most prevalent in fish, meat and egg yolks. Vitamin D deficiency in the general population is common since it’s difficult to obtain enough of this nutrient through diet. The body is meant to generate its own vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, but most people don’t get nearly enough sun exposure for effective vitamin D production.

Vitamin D also is useful for reducing inflammation in the body, including inflammation of the gums associated with gingivitis. If a dentist at a Dental Clinic in Apple Valley MN sees signs of gingivitis, the first line of defense recommended will be to floss every day. This removes food particles and plaque between teeth and prevents hard tartar from forming. Having regular professional teeth cleaning done also is important, as it removes tartar that does accumulate. This hard material is irritating to gums and can eventually lead to inflammation. Another important strategy is to obtain enough healthy nutrients to support periodontal health.

Anyone who believes he or she probably isn’t obtaining enough calcium and vitamin D may consider taking supplements in addition to modifying the diet to include more foods that naturally contain the nutrients and are fortified with them. Dairy products are obvious sources of calcium, but that mineral also can be acquired by eating plenty of dark green leafy vegetables, Brazil nuts and almonds, and various kinds of legumes.

At a clinic such as Dakota Dental & Implant Center, patients learn more about the health of their teeth and gums, and methods for keeping their teeth for a lifetime. Visit the website and take effective steps toward improved dental health.

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