The health of a tooth can be compromised when decay, infection, or injuries occur. In these cases, the dentist sometimes needs to perform Root Canals in Keizer OR. A root canal procedure can allow a person’s tooth health to be protected, so it does not continue to be damaged or cause pain. This procedure can make a big difference in ensuring a tooth is not lost due to progressive damage.
If a person is in need of Root Canals in Keizer OR, they will come in for a consultation first, to determine if this treatment will be beneficial in helping to save the tooth and stop the progression of damage. If the dentist determines a root canal is needed, the tooth will be treated with an anesthetic to ensure the procedure can be carried out without the patient feeling any pain or discomfort.
When the patient is numb, the dentist will go to work on removing the damaged areas of the tooth. This is done through an opening in the top of the crown. The dentist will remove all of the tissue inside the tooth, focusing on the soft pulp and the nerve. If an infection is present, the dentist will treat the infection before attempting to seal the tooth with gutta-percha and sealant.
If no infection is present, the tooth will be filled with gutta-percha to stabilize it and allow it to contract and expand without the structure being compromised. Once the tooth is sealed, the dentist will make the decision on whether or not the tooth is stable enough or if it needs to be covered in a protective crown. If the dentist does not feel confident the tooth will be able to remain strong, a crown will be put in place.
Those who would like to learn more about root canals can click here to find out more. Visit our website so you can learn more about the dental services they offer. With a root canal, the health of your tooth can be protected so you can avoid further damage and tooth loss. Call the office today and ask them for an appointment so you can get started.