The Different Types of Digital Photo Printing for Businesses

by | Sep 8, 2016 | Shopping

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Digital photo printing is the act of using electronic files to produce prints. There are two different kinds of equipment used in this type of photo printing, which include the digital color printer and the digital imagining press. Additionally, there are three types of digital printing, including web-to-print, variable data and on-demand.

Different Equipment

Both the digital color printer and the digital imaging press are used for rapid digital printing. However, these types of equipment are quite different from one another and produce different results.

A digital imaging press is based a conventional of offset printing method to develop images automatically and can be done without water. A digital color printer uses xerography, inkjet or electrophotography in order to develop images with dyes, dry-ink or toners.

A digital imaging press typically produces results of a better quality. However, printing that is done with a digital color printer remains comparable to conventional offset printing.

On-Demand Printing

On-demand digital photo printing is also known as print-on-demand. This method makes it possible to print in small amounts, which is ideal for companies that need to update printed pieces on a consistent basis.

Typically, a digital color printer is used for this type of photo printing. That is unless a higher quality of print is desired. In that case, a digital imaging press will be used. If both time and quality are priorities, a waterless digital imaging press will be used due to the faster drying time.

Variable Data Printing

Variable data printing, which is also known as variable image printing, is a type of personalized and customized digital photo printing. Databases that contain specific customer information that is used to deliver the same design personalized to each of the recipients. This type of printing is ideal for delivering the same basic information to everyone in a group.


Web-to-print digital photo printing, also referred to as web enabled printing, makes it possible for direct mail pieces to be personalized and customized online by using a print management program. Customers can select the images that they want to include in various materials, such as brochures. A proof is available for viewing online. Once the piece is ready, a single click will send it to the printer. Then, the Rhode Island printer will typically have the desired quantity of digital prints sent to the client through the mail in one to two business days.

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