Gurkha cigars have been manufactured for well over a century. With a history that is steeped in luxury and extraordinary quality, you are assured a premium cigar that is known as exceptional in the cigar realm. Gurkha is known for releasing a limited number of tobacco products that are considered to be rare and collectible for cigar connoisseurs. Limited release products have packaging that is artistically-oriented, as well. With such high standards and reputation it is no surprise that Gurkha is known in elite circles of celebrities, the military, Royalty, and leading government officials.
The Rolls Royce of Cigars
A Gurkha cigar is hand-rolled to perfection. The company itself has become well-known and is the maker of the most expensive cigar in the world that is infused with a cognac that is quite rare. Today Gurkha maintains their status and continues to produce high quality cigars that are handmade in Honduras and the Dominican Republic. The company itself is dedicated to mixing tobacco blends that provide a most memorable cigar smoking experience. Every cigar they create has a distinctive flavor with innovative packaging. Gurkha can create such characteristic blends simply because they use only the finest tobaccos from Africa, South Asia, South America and the Caribbean.
The Gurkha Evil Robusto
In 2010 the Gurkha Evil Robusto was released. This cigar has been one of the most highly anticipated cigars created by Gurkha. It is known for its heavy kick and Brazilian wrapper that is leathery. The binders and fillers are Dominican and Nicaraguan. With such a blend, this cigar has a medium to full bodied scent that is sure to wash over your palate with aromatic dominance. You will not forget the unmistakable essence of wood and pepper. A fine fragrant infusion of cedar balances the smoking effect of this robust cigar.
The Gurkha Ninja Knife
When you want a cigar that has a nutty and toasty flavor, the Gurkha Ninja Knife hits the spot. It is a satisfying smoke that burns evenly and offers a simple flavor of immaculate taste. The Ninja Knife is perfect for an after dinner cigar that tops off a meal and sets a relaxed tone for the rest of your evening.
The Gurkha Assassin Torpedo
With exclusive Peruvian, Nicaraguan, and Dominican binders and fillers the Gurkha Assassin Torpedo is a strong and full-bodied cigar that is rounded out with a Brazilian wrapper full of flavor. The taste of this cigar is very strong and aromatic. There is no better way to describe what will happen to your taste buds than to say they will be thoroughly assassinated.