The Many Health Benefits of Teeth Whitening in St. Louis

by | Jul 9, 2014 | Dental Health

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Did you know that Teeth Whitening in St. Louis has a number of health benefits? In fact, there are a number that may surprise you. While there are the obvious aesthetic benefits, there are a number of other benefits that are less well-known.

A recent study revealed that a person’s teeth were the top facial feature that they would change. Additionally, up to 75 percent of adults who participated in the study believe that having a nice smile helps to support their career success, and as many as 84 percent of people believe that an attractive smile is beneficial in meeting a romantic partner.

In addition to the obvious aesthetic advantages offered by teeth whitening in St. Louis for an attractive appearance, as well as an increase in self-confidence, the gel used for professional teeth whitening has also been proven able to kill the gum disease causing bacteria, as well as the types of bacteria that cause tooth decay. Additionally, when patients take advantage of professional teeth whitening services, they will also have healthier teeth, being much less likely to develop any type of teeth or gum disease.

There is some research that has suggested that there is a link between health concerns and gum disease such as bacterial pneumonia, stroke, cardiovascular issues, as well as increased risk during a woman’s pregnancy.

Now the question that you may have is if professional teeth whitening may be able to make you brighter mentally.

A study that has been performed in the UK suggested that those who suffer from gum disease have a reduced mental function, compared to those who have healthy teeth and gums. The vast benefits of teeth whitening offers you the ability to not only have a healthier looking mouth, but that you will also have a healthier feeling mouth.

While teeth whitening is something that will have to be maintained over time, it can drastically improve your appearance and self-confidence. Forest Park Dental offers professional teeth whitening services for both men and women. If you are interested in teeth whitening at Forest Park Dentistry of St. Louis, contact them today.

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