A Brazilian butt lift is a cosmetic procedure that gives you a more youthful, curvaceous appearance. This procedure involves transferring fat from other parts of your body to your derriere to create fullness and a more appealing contour. The more you know about the procedure, the more comfortable you will be before and after your BBL in Chicago. Here are some things your plastic surgeon will talk to you about prior to your procedure.
Don’t Lose Weight
Weight loss after getting your BBL in Chicago may actually hinder your results. The fat that has been transferred into your backside contains fat cells, which need to become established in their new location.
Losing weight can slow the establishment of newly transferred fat cells, and should be avoided after your procedure. Your plastic surgeon will also advise you against gaining weight as well. He or she will recommend that you try maintaining your weight by consuming a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, lean sources of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
Expect Some Bruising
Your surgeon will also tell you to expect some bruising, swelling, and discomfort after your Brazilian butt lift. These effects will dissipate after a couple of weeks or so and are completely normal. You will be given a prescription for pain medication before you go home to keep you comfortable while you recover. You may only need to take your medications for a few days because discomfort from a BBL quickly subsides.
For more information about a Brazilian butt lift, call the practice of Neil Fine, MD, FACS or visit the website Northwestern Specialists in Plastic Surgery, S.C.