Injured workers have the right to file a Workers Compensation Claim. This allows them to go through the process to see if they qualify for receiving medical benefits and wage replacement. It is important a person understands how to properly file a claim and what they can expect from the process so they will be able to be prepared.
The Right Steps are Crucial
When a person is injured, they need to inform their boss as soon as possible. The claim’s process will not begin until the employer has been informed and files a claim with their insurance company. This starts the process and ensures the injured worker will be contacted by the insurance adjuster.
The insurance company and the employer can demand the injured worker carry out a few different steps. They may require drug and alcohol testing and the injured worker may be required to see a company-approved doctor. This will result in an examination and testing to determine a proper diagnosis and prognosis for the insurance company to go by.
Denials Can Be Unfair
Once the insurance company has all of the facts, they are required to make a decision as soon as possible. Injured employees have the right to receive their benefits after following all of the steps involved in their Workers Compensation Claim. If a denial is given, this does not mean the process ends.
An injured worker has the right to hire an attorney to help them with their claim, especially if they are being given the runaround or have been denied. The attorney will fight for their client’s rights and help them receive a fair outcome. If a denial is given, the injured worker has the right to appeal and can receive an administrative law hearing so a judge will determine the outcome. No worker should have to go through this process alone.
Those who have been injured on the job need to be aware of their rights for filing for compensation. To learn how an attorney can help, visit Call the office right away if you would like to schedule a consultation appointment. They will be happy to help you through the process so you can get a fair outcome.