Tips For Bed Bug Prevention

by | Jun 25, 2016 | Pest Control

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When people have an encounter with bed bugs, they often notice red bumps on their skin before ever seeing the bugs. The bumps are caused by the bite of these small, brown or red insects. Because bed bugs feed on the blood of people and animals, they bite in order to suck blood. Bed bugs generally live on or near beds, coming out at night to bite people as they sleep. This makes them a very problematic pest, especially since they can be hard to get rid of. Often bed bugs get onto people or into their luggage while on a trip and are carried home, allowing the trouble this pest causes to continue. Bed Bug Prevention is important since it can keep this from happening. Here are some tips to keep in mind when staying at a hotel or other area that might have bed bugs.

Examine the Room

Before settling into a room, such as a hotel room, be sure to check for any signs of bed bugs. Look closely at the bed, including the mattress. Also, examine any furniture that is close to bed. Bed bugs like to hide in areas such as these. Even if no bugs are seen, they could still be hiding somewhere. If these pests are in the room, they will likely leave tiny red or black spots on the bed, as well as yellow skin fragments or little eggs.

Be Careful with Luggage

Any luggage that is brought along for the trip should not be placed on the bed since bed bugs could crawl into the luggage. If a rack or another place is available in the room, store the luggage there instead of on the floor. Make certain that the luggage is not touching the wall.

Wash Items Thoroughly

After returning home, wash all laundry from the trip immediately, or keep it away from another laundry until it can be cleaned. The inside and outside of luggage items should be vacuumed as well. This will remove any bed bugs that might be lurking inside.

Bed Bug Prevention will usually be effective, but if bed bugs do somehow manage to get into a home, the fastest way to deal with them is to hire a pest control service. Visit Website Url for more information. You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!

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