EMI or electromagnetic interference can occur in any type of device or application when the electronic device electromagnetic field is in proximity to another electronic device using the same radio frequency spectrum. This is sometimes known as “noise” and EMI suppression is essential to the operation of most electronics.
In all cases, effective shielding from RFI as well as the use of different options in EMI reduction and suppression is always the best option. The use of different technologies will be directly related to the device and equipment itself.
Interference with Signals
The most common issues include electromagnetic fields in the radio frequency (RF) range within computers that may disrupt the ability to send and receive signals over wireless networks. In some cases, these types of issues result in limited or poor performance combined with static, or RF noise, which is clearly audible over receives that are impacted by the EMI. However, in most devices internal EMI suppression is also critical, especially with smaller and smaller models with the components much closer together within the case or design.
The technology behind EMI suppression has evolved, particularly with the explosion of the number of devices using wireless services. This includes cell phones, home entertainment systems, medical devices for patients, wireless controllers in homes and commercial buildings and even the use of computers.
Filters and Options
The most common, and the most effective, option for EMI suppression is the use of filters. These can include filtered connectors, which will provide full suppression of the interference and completely eliminate RF noise. There are other types of filters as well which can be added to a device or placed in during the manufacturing process.
A filter insert is a low – cost option for EMI suppression. These are very common in most types of common use devices such as cell phones, computers and wireless systems used throughout a house or commercial building. More costly filter connectors, as discussed above, as well as modules which are added on after production when a problem is detected can also be used.
Capacitors and inducers can also be used in cables and cords within some specific types of electronic systems. They are effective at EMI suppression and are used in a wide range of different types of systems and applications.
In addition, the use of shielded cables and cords within a device can be very beneficial in EMI suppression. Different systems and different requirements will impact which form of suppression is right for any application.