Tips on Teaching Basketball Fundamentals to Beginners

by | Aug 22, 2017 | Fitness Training Center

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Basketball is one of the most fun all-round sports out there, great for all ages and levels of experience. Teaching basketball fundamentals for beginners means deconstructing the sport and breaking it down into its basic components: footwork, ball handling, shooting, and defense. Later on, basketball trainers can get more involved in teaching the rules and formalities of the game. At the start, basketball trainers in Jacksonville focus on the fundamentals:

1. Footwork First. As eager as new players are to start right away with layups and fancy ball work, footwork is the essence of a good basketball game. Fundamental footwork drills include exercises for stopping and starting, and exercises for both offensive and defensive situations. Teaching footwork to beginners builds their confidence on the court and also helps them free up their minds to become better ball handlers.

2. Fun Ball Handling. Starting with dribbling, passing, and receiving, ball handling is where new players really start to open up and have fun with their game. Basketball trainers usually have no trouble keeping their ball handling drills fun, especially when you incorporate tricks and encourage players to develop their own style.

3. Shoot! Basketball trainers are working towards getting their players to become confident shooters. The best advice for teaching basketball to beginners is to progress through different types of shooting drills and to mix up the drills as much as possible. Newcomers need variety, and thankfully, basketball is a game with a lot of variety in it. After starting with the basics from the free throw line and progressing towards three point and longer shots, the basketball trainer then works in a few fun drills like layups.

4. Teamwork. Teaching the fundamentals to beginners should always include some element of teamwork. Passing and learning how to communicate with other players is a critical component of the game.

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