Many small businesses make a good portion of their money by selling products to individuals who are hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Whether you run your own online store, or have a store on eBay or a similar service, shipping is a major part of your expense, and can be a big cause of frustration and stress. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to streamline your shipping processes and procedures. Do you ship out the same few items over and over again? Is packing troublesome, or do you often have complaints about broken or damaged items? One of the simplest ways to make shipping a bit easier is to use custom cardboard boxes that perfectly fit your needs. Below are some great reasons to consider doing this for your business and your customers.
Better Protection for Your Packages
When you ship an item in a box that is too large, there’s going to be extra room for the item to move around. This can cause the item to become damaged in transit if you haven’t packaged things properly. If you’re running an online store, you probably can’t afford to have customers receiving broken items. It will take time and money to replace these items, and you may just lose a customer in the process. Custom cardboard boxes ensure that your items fit perfectly, and this allows you to streamline your packing processes.
Faster Package Processing
If you have a handful of items that you sell more often than the others in your store, you’ve probably been able to simplify many aspects of selling and processing those items. Wouldn’t it be nice to make shipping and handling easier on yourself? For example, if you sell phone cases, you probably know how frustrating it is to find a box that is small enough for that package. When you can’t find a small enough box, you have to try to pack whatever box you do find so that the items don’t move around too much. This can be costly, too, since you have to purchase a lot of packing paper and peanuts to protect these sometimes fragile items. Having custom cardboard boxes of the perfect shape and size will make it easier to pack these items, and can also save money.
Better Organization
Many online stores ship out hundreds or thousands of packages every month. It can be very difficult to keep your supply room organized when you’ve got dozens of boxes of arbitrary sizes. Having boxes that are perfectly sized to carry the items that you ship most frequently will make it easier to keep your supply room organized, and this will make your business more efficient.