Geriatric home care is provided to those elders that require help in their homes. In many cases the individuals that actually provide the care whether it involves health monitoring, taking on general household tasks or ensuring that the elder gets to and from scheduled doctor’s appointments, are hired from a care agency.
The caregivers are employed by the agency; it is the responsibility of the agency to ensure that all their caregivers have the necessary credentials to perform these services; usually the caregivers must be licensed nurses or have the required certifications. The type and amount of care that seniors require can vary considerably. Some geriatric home care consists of daily care; this can be in the form of a personal visit or little more than checking in by phone. The caregiver will be called upon to provide services which are need less frequently such as transportation to the doctor’s office. There are elderly individuals that want to stay in their own homes as long as possible; these people may opt for a full-time live in caregiver.
Those who do provide full time live in geriatric home care have room and board as part of their wage package. It is common for the live in caregiver to have a private room. A live in caregiver will normally take on the entire responsibility of the home including keeping it clean, cooking the meals and ensuring the senior takes medications on time and meets all doctors’ appointments. In many cases the elderly individual does not have complete control over his or her facilities and as such the caregiver will be responsible for the person’s personal care and dressing. As the care giver and the elderly person spend a considerable amount of time together the agencies try to match the caregiver to the needs as well as the personality of the elder.
As it is common for the individual providing geriatric home care to have the necessary credentials in health care, they are often tasked with maintaining a log of the elder’s vital signs which are then given to the doctor. The caregiver, upon orders from the doctor will also pick up prescription medications and give them to the elder as required.
The primary purpose of geriatric home care is to keep the elder in their home as long as possible. This dedicated care allows them to live a life which is as independent as possible under the circumstances but at the same time ensuring that they get the help, attention and care that they need.
If you believe that an elderly member of your family is in need of geriatric home care, either daily or live in, you are invited to discuss the specific needs with Capital City Nurses. You Can also follow them on Twitter.