Many people who suffer from sleep apnea are not fully aware of how it affects them. Some don’t even know they have it since they are asleep when the symptoms occur. Getting treatment for sleep apnea must be prioritized, and there are many benefits associated with proper treatment.
Unexplained Fatigue
Getting sleep apnea treatment in Madison, WI can answer questions that you may have had for many years, such as why you feel tired all of the time. It’s not uncommon for people to get treatment for sleep apnea and finally feel like they can live an active life because they no longer have fatigue throughout the day. Sleep nourishes your body and helps you feel more energized. Sleep apnea interrupts regular sleep patterns, which prevents your body from enjoying the deep sleep it needs.
Cardiovascular Risk
There is a link between sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease that you should not ignore. Strokes and heart attacks caused by obesity are connected to sleep apnea in ways that are not fully understood. It’s common for sleep apnea patients to be overweight. Though not all sleep apnea patients are obese, there remains a direct link between heart disease and sleep apnea, independent of weight. Losing weight has been proven to help people suffering from sleep apnea, and sleep apnea patients who lose weight will also decrease their chances of cardiovascular disease. There is no denying that the two conditions are connected.