When is a Root Canal in Grand Island NE Necessary?

by | Aug 12, 2016 | Dental Health

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When the pulp or the nerve of a tooth is damaged or infected, it can be extremely painful. Often this pain is related to heat and cold sensitivities or the application of pressure to the area while chewing. But as this problem progresses, the pain can come out of nowhere, sometimes even cause generalized headaches or abscesses.

Abscesses typically indicate that the affected tooth is dead or severely damaged. If left untreated, they can be extremely dangerous. These infections can easily spread to infect the bone and other surrounding tissues, damaging other teeth and in rare cases migrating to the brain and causing death. Anyone who has noticed swelling or pus draining into the mouth should seek medical help immediately.

Both abscesses and tooth pain are often the work of cavities. When caught early enough, a dentist can simply clean them out and fill them. But if they have worked their way deep enough into the tooth, the pulp can become infected. If the tooth has reached this point of decay, treatment may require a Root Canal in Grand Island NE.

A root canal procedure involves the removal of nerves and pulp from a damaged tooth. It is then cleaned to remove bacteria and sealed to prevent further infection. The nerves that are removed are not essential to the functioning of the tooth, and after the procedure, patients should be able to chew normally. The only purpose these nerves serve in a fully emerged tooth is to transmit feelings of hot or cold, indicating to the suffering patient that something is wrong. By removing them, the often extreme pain is alleviated.

Only a trained dentist can decide if a patient needs a Root Canal in Grand Island NE, so it’s important to find a dentist who specializes in performing these procedures. Alternatives to root canals include extraction of the infected tooth. However, most dentists consider this to be appropriate only in extreme cases. If the tooth can be saved, most dental professionals will recommend a root canal. Those noticing tooth pain, swelling, or discoloration should seek help as soon as possible. Timely diagnosis and treatment may make the difference between a root canal to save the tooth and needing to have it completely removed. Visit website domain for more information.

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