Which Jackson Do You Sleep In And Do You Rest On A Sealy Mattress?

by | May 4, 2015 | Business

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There are at least 30 places that bear the name Jackson within the USA – there are a couple more in Canada and even one in Russia. Therefore, when asked if you come from Jackson you could be amongst the 173,000+ people living in the State Capital of Mississippi. Or, you could be amongst the 16,000+inhabitants of a Parish in Louisiana. Alternatively, you may very well live somewhere totally different – anywhere from Alabama to Wyoming if we are only asking about the USA. However, wherever you come from; one truism will exist in your life and that is that you must get some sleep on a regular basis.

Sleep Architecture

This is a term used to describe the type of sleep that we may be experiencing. Basically, there are two main types of sleep – known as REM or NREM sleep (the former stands for “rapid eye movement” when asleep and the latter is simply non-REM sleep”.

In REM sleep, our eyelids may be closed over our eyes but there will be random eye movement below the lids. Our muscles will be relaxed and there is a high chance that we will experience vivid dreaming. REM sleep is also known as “paradoxical” sleep since it is similar to a state of wakefulness in so much as the body is more or less immobilized while the brain is acting as though fully awake.

The full function of REM sleep is still not totally understood and theories continue to abound. However, it is generally thought that REM sleep is good for us while REM deprivation can cause problems like anxiety, irritability, hallucinations, difficulty concentrating and other behavioral changes (although, in some cases, the changes can have some beneficial affect).

Getting Good Sleep

The one thing that specialists do agree on is that, ideally, we should have several hours’ good sleep in a 24 hour cycle and awake fully refreshed in both body and mind. How we prepare for sleep is important but what works for one person may be useless for another. What is well known is that if we are not comfortable in our beds; we are unlikely to get a good sleep. Additionally, if our bodies are not correctly supported during sleep; we may well wakeup to stiffness, aches and pains that can disrupt our waking activities.

Satisfying comfort and perfect support is what you can get from sleeping on a Sealy Mattress In Jackson. A wide selection of such mattresses can be found at any of the Mattress Direct showrooms in both Mississippi and Louisiana. Visit us on

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