Why Public Speakers Need to Be Dynamic, Confident, and Empathetic

by | Sep 16, 2020 | Public Speaking

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If you were to choose the qualities you would want from an employee engagement keynote speaker, what qualities would you choose? The answer is going to vary slightly based on what motivates you. However, there are some qualities that are pretty much universal when it comes to good employee engagement keynote speakers.

A good speaker who will motivate an audience needs to be dynamic. Dynamic and hyper are not the same things. In order to do their job well, the speaker needs to be able to identify what the audience needs. They have to realize that two audiences that have similar backgrounds may have needs that are drastically different. The way that they present their information needs to vary to be relevant to the audience. Being dynamic means staying up to date with the latest trends in whatever area the speaker is discussing.

A second quality that a good speaker will have is confidence. If a speaker is not confident, the audience is going to pick up on this lack of confidence. The audience is going to be more focused on the nervousness of the speaker than they will be on what the speaker is saying.

Finally, a good motivational speaker must be empathetic. Nothing replaces the power of empathy. Empathy is the ability to put oneself in the shoes of others. This is going to help the speaker make needed adjustments so that their words impact their audience the most.

See how Doug Dvorak has impacted over a million people around the world with his speeches by visiting the following website DougDvorak.com.

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