Why Seeing a General Dentist Is Important and Where to Find One in Edmond, OK

by | Feb 7, 2020 | Dental Health

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Booking your next appointment with your local dentist may be more important than you think. Skipping dental visits maybe routine for you, but it’s important that you are aware that doing so is likely to have adverse affects on your oral health. In this article we will explore the negative affects of neglecting your to visit your oral healthcare provider, as well as where to find a dentist that provides general dentistry in Edmond, OK.

Neglecting Your Teeth

You may not view skipping a dental appointment or two as neglecting your teeth, but the truth is that seeing your local dentist at least twice a year is vastly important. Neglecting to see your oral healthcare provider for extended periods of time can lead to negative outcomes.

As plaque, tartar and bacteria build on and around your teeth, you could potentially develop gingivitis, acquire cavities or have other issues with your teeth. If any of these issues are left unresolved, they may begin to spiral out of control and become more of a problem than they were when they started.

The Benefits of Seeing Your Oral Healthcare Provider

Alternately, seeing someone who performs general dentistry in Edmond, OK, allows for the dentist to look closely at your teeth to detect any underlying issues. They may use x-rays to see below the gum line and they may also perform a general manual examination. Following this process, your dentist will likely clean your teeth using tools and resources you likely don’t have access to at home.

If you are interested in finding a dentist near you, contact Dr. Monica Neely.

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