Why Your Dentist in Kohala Needs to Know All the Essential Details About Your Medical History

by | Oct 24, 2014 | Dental Health

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Dentists play an essential role in maintaining your oral health. Even though it is great that you take good care of your teeth on your own, you still need to visit your Dentist Kohala after every six months. Regular visits to an experienced dentist such as Business Name can ensure that the right preventative measures are taken to avoid the different types of oral problems.

When you start going to a new dental professional, it is imperative that you fill out forms regarding your medical history. This entails any medications you are on, any medical conditions you have suffered from in the past and any other essential details about your health. Even if you are taking mineral or vitamin supplement, ensure it is recorded in your file.

You may wonder why medical conditions, which seemingly have no association with your mouth, would make a difference to your dentist. The answer is that everything is linked. Sometimes, problems in other parts of your body can manifest symptoms in your mouth. For instance, there are some medications which can cause damage to your teeth or gums. With a good knowledge of your medical history, your dentist can recommend the right dental treatments.

Let your Dentist Kohala know the names of the medications your taking, doses of each, how long you have been taking them, and for how long you expect to be on them. Both prescription medications as well the non-prescription medications (over-the-counter drugs) need to be mentioned to your dentist.

You need ensure that all the essential details about your overall health are recorded in your file. Lying or failing to disclose any significant details about your health can be detrimental to it. For example, if you are suffering from osteoporosis and you are taking medication for it, then this can affect your dental health. Drugs used to treat this illness can sometimes cause pain in the jawbone after a tooth is removed. Similarly, if you are a diabetic, then let your doctor know about it. Having diabetes can make you more susceptible to developing gum disease.

These are just some of the major reasons why your Dentist Kohala needs to know everything about your medical history. It is important you only hire a qualified dentist so that you can get the best dental services. For more information about the services offered by experienced dentists, visit Website Domain.

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