Wisdom Teeth Extraction Is Very Common

by | Aug 29, 2016 | Dental Health

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One of the most common dental procedures is the removal of wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to cut through the gums; they usually appear during an individual’s late teens or early twenties. By this time the person has his or her 28 adult teeth, often there is simply not sufficient room for these additional four teeth to grow properly. Due to the lack of space in the dental arch the wisdom teeth often come in at a strange angle or only partially emerge, it is when this happens that the dentist will recommend wisdom teeth extraction in Downers Grove.

When should you consult with your dentist?

If you begin to experience pain or discomfort in the back of your mouth you should make an early appointment with your dentist. Impacted wisdom teeth can quickly develop into other more serious problems, your dentist, with the help of X-Rays can advise you whether they should be extracted or not.

Why are wisdom teeth removed?

If the wisdom teeth do not cause any problems there is no good reason to extract them, however, in many cases they have become impacted or they fail to completely cut through the gum. Bacteria and food debris can easily become trapped; this causes a rapid build-up of plaque which can quickly lead to problems such as:

  • Decay: Plaque is one cause for deterioration of the tooth surface, as decay becomes more advanced it can often have a detrimental effect on surrounding teeth.
  • Gum disease: Once again, plaque is to blame. Plaque can release toxins that irritate the gums; resulting in redness, swelling and pain. If left untreated periodontal disease can affect the jaw bone.
  • Abscess: This can be extremely painful, an abscess is a puss filled sac that forms on the tooth root, the only solution is wisdom teeth extraction in Downers Grove.

The decision to have wisdom teeth extracted is often not cut and dried, only your dentist can give you advise about the health and position of the teeth and guide you on toward the best solution.

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