Should You See an Allergist in Evansville, IN for Nut Allergies?

by | May 15, 2015 | Health & Fitness

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The main question people ask when thinking of nut allergies is what symptoms appear when an allergy occurs? The answer is the same as other allergies: hives and edema or swelling, asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, digestive symptoms or reactions of anaphylaxis. In some highly allergic patients, these reactions can be very serious, and possibly fatal, with a small number of nuts. Do you think you have a nut allergy? If so, visit your local Allergist in Evansville IN, today.

How can you determine an allergy to nuts?

If any of the above symptoms are related to food intake with nuts, it is easy to suspect. Sometimes, the relationship is not as clear, as you may not know that some foods contain nuts. Some symptoms, such as hives and edema, have no identifying cause. In this case, nuts are “usual suspects.”

How is a nut allergy diagnosed?

Nut allergies are diagnosed with skin tests, blood tests, and an exposure test (tolerance and provocation), like all other food allergies. The treatment is also similar to other allergies. It is the same as the other food allergies. Desensitization or the use of vaccines are recommended for some patients, but these are not widespread. Like other foods, not eating nuts or anything remotely needing nuts, will help you remain healthy. You can get more advice from an Allergist in Evansville IN.

How should you diet without nuts?

Avoid eating nuts directly, and avoid foods that include them among their ingredients. Please refer to the processed products food label, as nuts appear in many of them, including breakfast cereals, cookies, pastries, ice cream, sauces, bread with seeds, candies, etc. Most of these labels will name the normal nut. Peanut may also appear as peanuts or “Arachis.” If you eat products made in another country, you should be aware that nuts have different names, and you may not recognize what they are. If there is doubt about an ingredient, avoid it.

Should you avoid all nuts if you only have one allergy?

If you know you have one nut allergy, you can try eating others. However, if there are doubts about more than one, it is wise to avoid them all until the situation is clarified. You should follow the instructions given by the specialist. Visit Accredited Asthma Allergy & Food Intolerance Center for personalized care.

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