Snakes find Texas amenable all year long. The weather and environmental conditions make it possible for them to thrive. Unfortunately, several of the local snakes are venomous and they make their way onto the property and into the homes of residences. To remove potentially dangerous interactions, Exterminators in Longview, TX, and other urban communities have adopted an approach capable of protecting all parties.
Types of Snakes
In Longview, TX, snake species are both venomous and non-lethal. Among the list of around 30 different types of snakes, those listed below are the most common in this state:
- Coral snake
- Garter snake
- Southern Copperhead
- Timber Rattlesnake
- Western Cottonmouths
- Western Rat snake
- Yellow Belly Watersnake.
Snakes do not generally randomly attack people. They prefer to be left alone to live their lives. Unfortunately, due to encroachment upon their habitat and such attractions as mice, they might find themselves inside your home, hiding in bushes on your property, or slithering around your backyard. When this occurs; when you believe they pose a threat to you, your family, and/or pets, your best option is to call pest control.
The Goal of Exterminators
Despite the name, exterminators are not there to “exterminate” a snake. They understand the vital role snakes play in pest control. Their goals are to remove the snake safely. They also provide information on how to prevent any further incursions into your home. If the snake is native to Texas, exterminators will capture and then release it back into the wild in a suitable environment.