RV insurance is necessary for anyone who purchases an RV, just like car insurance is required for anyone who buys a car. However, the types and amount of insurance required will vary based on a number of factors. Understanding the different coverage options will make it easier to decide how much coverage you need when you get RV insurance in Wichita KS.
Owning Outright, Financing or Renting
Those who own their RV outright will have more leeway in the amount of insurance they get. The lender will dictate the minimum insurance required in the case of an RV that is purchased using outside financing. Likewise, the rental agency will specify the type of insurance needed when a person rents an RV. An agency that specializes in RV insurance in Wichita KS, such as the Andy Woodward Insurance Agency, will be able to help a person determine the optimal amount of coverage in any given situation.
State Laws
Different states have different regulations about how much and which types of insurance an RV owner carries. Liability insurance is almost always required, but other types of insurance may not be required by the state. In Kansas, RV owners also have to pay property tax when they register their RV, with the amount depending on the age and weight of the RV in question.
Types of Coverage
There is a variety of types of coverage that come in handy to limit expenses should something happen to an RV. Liability coverage helps cover the cost of any property damage or injuries caused by accidents that are your fault. Contents coverage insures the belongings that a person keeps in the RV, making it easier to replace these should they become lost, damaged, or stolen. Collision coverage is useful for repairing any damage that occurs to the RV during an accident while comprehensive coverage does the same for damage that isn’t due to an accident. This can include weather-related damage, objects falling on the RV, fire, or theft. Should you or the people travelling with you become injured in an accident, medical payments coverage will come in handy.
Part-Time or Full-Time Use
Those who live in their RV full-time will need to purchase an extra type of RV insurance called full-timers insurance that acts much like homeowners insurance.