What To Do Before A Fire Damage Restoration Service In Bowie Arrives

by | Feb 9, 2016 | Restoration

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A Fire Damage Restoration Service in Bowie might not show up right away, so it’s up to property owners to know what to do until help arrives. The first thing people will have to do is to remain calm. Insurance can usually take care of the property damage, so homeowners should remember to contact their insurance companies as soon as possible. After a fire, it’s also important to make sure that there isn’t any need for medical attention. Burns aren’t the only thing to worry about after a fire. Smoke inhalation is responsible for more than 50 percent of the deaths from house fires.

After people are safe and have contacted their insurance companies, they have to assess the damage before a Fire Damage Restoration Service in Bowie gets to the scene. Restricting movement after a fire can stop soot from being transferred from one area to another. Soot can be trampled into carpeting and embedded into a person’s furniture. In areas where there has to be foot traffic, people should put down towels. If there is any chrome in the area where the fire was, it can be protected by adding some petrolatum to it. Any soot that is on the chrome should be removed prior to applying the petrolatum. If an HVAC system is running, it’s filter is going to need to be changed.

People might have to do more before ServiceMaster by America’s Restoration Services or another restoration company arrives. Plants in the home might have to be cleaned. The leaves should be examined for soot. When soot gets on plants, both sides of the leaves might have to be washed. Clothing can be damaged in house fires by the smoke. Trying to wash the clothes without the help of a professional usually isn’t enough to get rid of the smell of smoke. Dry cleaning usually won’t work either. The company that is restoring the home should be tasked with cleaning any clothing that has a heavy smell of smoke.

After a fire, it’s smart to be weary of any electrical systems that were too close to the fire. They might not be operating correctly. Visit the website for more information.

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