No matter the circumstances surrounding the damage, broken glass on a property can cause a number of issues that must be dealt with immediately. This is because broken glass is as much a health risk as it is a risk to your wallet, and a single broken pane could put you in a frustrating situation. Having professionals arrive for glass repair will not only protect you from such a situation, but could also save you time and money in the long run.
Avoid Theft
Broken windows make your home a target for would-be burglars looking for a quick and easy opportunity, and one third of all burglaries occur when a resident is inside the house. Rather than waiting around for the target on your house to draw attention, glass repair in Germantown, MD could provide you with the chance to feel secure. New and improved methods of fabricating windows, such as double glazing, also make it possible for you to increase the security of your home.
Increased Efficiency
If you are considering getting glass repair, you should contact us about the many upgrade options that can lead to a significant boost in the energy efficiency of your home. Up to 70 percent of hot and cold air in a home lost is lost through the windows, doors, and garage door, but modern advancements can make those levels of loss drop significantly. You should see the difference reflected on your utility bill within the first month, and these savings will quickly return your investment.
Curb Appeal
Broken windows and other glass surfaces detract from the valuation of a home significantly, and this is no good if you want to have your home looking great for the neighborhood. In addition, wishing to sell your home can become difficult if buyers are immediately turned off by windows that are in disrepair. This is one investment that will pay itself back in a matter of months.