Exploring All Possible Avenues with a Child Custody Attorney in Albuquerque, NM

by | Mar 28, 2016 | Law Firms

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In New Mexico, divorce cases may require the court to settle child custody assignments based on the most appropriate setting for the child. The court must evaluate all possibilities before rendering a final decision. A child custody attorney in Albuquerque, NM helps parents present their case to obtain custody.

Reviewing Allegations of Abuse

Any allegation of abuse is investigated prior to the custody hearing. A social worker is assigned to the case to meet with the child and visit the home of the alleged attacker. The social worker must determine if these allegations are valid based on physical evidence and the presence of unsafe living conditions. The findings of the investigation are presented during the custody hearing. If abuse is discovered, the offending parent is formally charged.

Evaluating the Income of Both Parents

The next consideration is the income of both parents. The custodial parent must have the means to support the child properly. This doesn’t indicate that the court will choose a custodial parent based on what parent earns the most money. The court assesses income to determine what parent could provide adequate financial support for the child. They also evaluate income to determine the value of child support payments.

Exploring the Living Conditions of the Parents

The parents must provide ample space for the child in question. The child must have a bedroom of their own and a safe living environment. The court investigates any risks to the child present in the homes of the parents. If the risks are high, the opposing parent may receive custody.

School and Medical Care Requirements

If a parent moves out of the city in which the couple resided, the court considers relationships that are healthy for the child. This includes friendships established during school attendance. They also evaluate the medical care requirements for the child. The purpose is to allow the child a stable environment without disrupting their lives.

New Mexico divorces may require a child custody hearing. When this is the case, the court decides what parent receives custody based on certain factors. Parents who are facing a custody battle need to hire a Child Custody Attorney Albuquerque NM by contacting The Carter & Valle Law Firm or browse website for more information today.

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