Finding Christian Couples Seeking a Baby for Adoption in Oklahoma

by | Oct 5, 2015 | Children & Families

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There are tough decisions to make when a woman finds herself in an unplanned pregnancy. For many women, abortion is not an option because of moral reasons. They now have to decide whether to keep the child or give the baby up for Adoption in Oklahoma. Some women know they are simply in no position to take care of a baby; they are not ready emotionally or financially and know that the youngster would have a better life with a stable family.

Christian women may want their child raised in a Christian home. With certain organizations, they can choose the adoptive family, but it can be difficult to determine how enmeshed in the faith a couple truly is. With an adoption service such as Lilyfield, the birth mother knows for certain that the adoptive family has a Christ-centered lifestyle. All the couples who sign up with this service in the hopes of becoming adoptive parents are practicing Christians. With this type of service, the woman still can choose the family, but she knows that this fundamental concern has already been addressed.

A woman seeking a service for Adoption in Oklahoma may want to have an ongoing relationship with the child, or she may decide to not have any contact once the adoptive parents have the baby. Obviously, every person is different. The agency works with each birth mother to create a situation that is most suitable for what she wants and needs. She will be required by Oklahoma law to provide complete medical data, however. The child does not have to know anything about her if the birth mother prefers to stay private.

Christian Adoption agencies may have photos and information about waiting couples on the website so pregnant women who are considering adoption can see for themselves what these couples are like. This can make the process reassuring right from the start. She can review each prospective parent’s educational background, current job and general interests. So many people want to adopt a child that each birth mother is likely to find a couple that resonates with her as she looks through the information.

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