Here Are Some Facts About Breast Augmentation That You Should Know

by | Aug 26, 2019 | Health

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Cosmetic plastic surgery is increasingly becoming popular for a number of reasons, and breast enhancement is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic plastic surgeries. If you are considering a breast enhancement procedure, make sure that you are fully informed of all your options and choices before you proceed. The more you understand about breast enhancements facts, the more confident and calm you will be about changing your body. If you’re considering getting a breast augmentation in the Barrington area, the following is a list of essential facts you need to know before going ahead with the surgery.

Not Everyone Is a Suitable Candidate

One of the first things you should know is that breast augmentation is not ideal for everyone. For instance, if you have a family history of breast cancer, you are likely not a suitable candidate for this cosmetic surgery. This complicating factor can increase risks and cause complications during and after breast surgery. You should talk to your surgeon about any existing medical conditions you have so that you can be evaluated before the breast surgery.

Breast Augmentation Surgery Doesn’t Last Forever

An important thing to know is that breast implants are not designed to last for a lifetime. Silicon and saline implants are designed to serve you for a long time. But, their outer shells undergo wear and tear over time, especially when you subject them to physical stress. You should watch out for any changes in your breasts after the surgery.

Size of Implants

The size of breast implants you choose is based on your overall body size. The size also depends on the advice of your plastic surgeon and available breast tissue. Experts in breast augmentation in Barrington can advise you and help you choose the right size of breast implant.

Patients often say that a breast augmentation procedure boosts their confidence. Make sure that you have all the facts you need and ask any questions you have so that you can best achieve your aesthetic objectives.

If you’d like more information about breast augmentation in Barrington, IL, contact the experts at Ashpole Plastic Surgery.

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