Improve the Quality and Appearance of the Bathroom With Bathtub Repair in Columbus IN

by | Apr 5, 2016 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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The shower and tub are two of the most heavily used fixtures in the home, especially if the family is a little large. Over time, all of this traffic, water and soil can damage the tub, its pipes or its finish. The kinds of damage may vary and can range from problems with the drain to a worn or pitted finish. There are multiple ways to handle these concerns and the ones that work the best may depend on the budget. The most obvious solution is to have an expert such as Matlock Plumbing Inc. replace the whole installation.

For those folks that have a custom tub or an older, enameled iron model, then refinishing it may be an option. Keep in mind that this is not the simple task that it appears to be. Refinishing products vary in quality and application methods, and this means that they can result in a poor quality finish. Other alternatives exist such as acrylic shells that can be placed over the tub, but again, the quality may vary, and the final result may not be what was expected.

Sometimes, the problem with a bathtub is purely cosmetic. For example, the overflow drains that many tubs have, especially enameled ones, can chip or break around the edges. The drain still works, but the tub may develop ugly stains and rust buildup. There are kits available to cover this issue, but expert Bathtub Repair in Columbus IN may provide a reliable option. Plus, the repair has a better chance of matching the bathroom fixtures, and this should make it virtually unnoticeable.

One of the worst issues with the tub or shower is a clogged drain and the main reason for this is hair. Loose hair will build up in the traps and eventually block the outflow of water. An expert in Bathtub Repair in Columbus IN can usually fix this problem quickly. This is one of the more difficult drainage issues to deal with because it is practically impossible to avoid hair in these drains. Even worse, most homes make accessing the drain on a tub difficult because these items tend to be placed in the wall or beneath the floor, depending on where the bathroom is located. Letting a professional handle, these issues could save the property owner or occupants a lot of time and frustration.

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