Information On Healing After Oral Surgery in Ann Arbor MI

by | Mar 4, 2016 | Dental Health

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After a person undergoes oral surgery in Ann Arbor MI, they will want to make sure that they do all the right things to allow themselves to completely heal from the procedure. The first step is to properly prepare for the surgery. If general anesthesia is going to be used, a person will have to make sure that they have a ride home after the surgery. The affects of general anesthesia can last for a long time, so people risk getting into car accidents if they don’t make the proper transportation arrangements. Using a taxi service is an option if friend and family aren’t available.

When people go through Oral Surgery in Ann Arbor MI, they have to understand that it’s completely normal to feel some tenderness or discomfort for a few days. For most patients recovering from surgery, over-the-counter medication is usually enough to provide relief. Medication should be used wisely. After surgery, people shouldn’t wait for the pain to start to get too bad before they use medication. They should stick to a medication schedule and never exceed dosages. If over-the-counter medication isn’t working, people should contact their dentists to see about getting prescription medication. Before using any over-the-counter medication, people should consult with their dentists to see which ones are recommended.

People need to rest, rest, and rest some more after having surgery. Everything should be put off for a day or two after surgery. This is why some people choose to get their teeth extracted on Fridays. By having extractions done at the end of the week, people give themselves two full days to heal before having to report back to school or work. It also means people don’t have to take vacation days for time off that they really won’t be enjoying. While resting, individuals should remember to keep their heads elevated as much as possible. Ice packs can be used in order to keep swelling from developing. Patients should also remember to go to their follow-up appointments to get things checked out. People can visit us to find out more about oral procedures.

Doing the right things after oral surgery can help to make sure that the healing process isn’t a slow one. People who make mistakes during the healing process can aggravate their wounds and even cause infections to develop.

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