PsychCentral defines neurofeedback as a biofeedback technique that helps patients cope with certain medical conditions by training their brains and changing the way they think. Sounds like science fiction?
The Happiness Advantage
If you’ve ever seen—or heard—Shawn Achor and his 2011 Ted speech, his main argument is that happiness can drive productivity. The next question, then is, how do you generate that happiness? And he explains how there are ways we could rewire the brain so people could be more optimistic. There are ways to train the brain so it will always be on the lookout for positive things. And that idea, that thought, that you could train your brain as much as your body, to make things better, is at the center of neurofeedback.
How It Starts
This treatment begins by providing patients with data on their brainwaves. The point is to help patients create or find ways to regulate their brainwaves without the aid of drugs or other forms of therapy. Or rather, to find a way to lower disruptive brainwave frequencies while enhancing healthier ones. Most sessions happen once every week. Trained professionals conduct the treatment and provide guidance and support throughout the process.
The Process
Electrodes are placed on a patient’s head to get a solid gauge on the brainwave activity. Signals from your brain are then sent to the computer. Doctors can easily determine the pattern of your major brainwave frequencies this way, turning them into a series of images and sounds that you can hear and watch so you know exactly when a thought happens or what happens to your brain when you’re stressed or happy.
Ideal for Patients
The treatment often works to manage symptoms for a host of neurological conditions. Those who suffer from ADHD or PTSD, for instance, are likely candidates for it. It’s also ideal for managing sleep problems or anxiety issues. Doctors can examine brainwave patterns and compare it with others to see if anything stands out. This way, doctors are able to pinpoint any irregularities in your neural network and develop appropriate treatment plans to rewire your brain patterns.
As more wellness centers start offering neurofeedback services, finding one in Denver CO and other places won’t be a problem anymore. Given enough access, it’ll only be a matter of time before the rest of the world catches up and starts rewiring the way their minds work—for the better.
Business Name is based in Denver CO. We offer alternative healing, including neurofeedback treatment, to help you ease any pain and discomfort. For more on how we can help you, call us today!