The septic system in a home is expected to last and function year after year without fail or issue. However, being prepared for a septic emergency prior to actually experiencing one can be quite beneficial. If a septic emergency ever does occur, it is essential not to panic and call for an Emergency Septic Service in Quakertown PA right away. The fact is, a failed septic system can prove to be dangerous to a home and those who live in it.
Warning Signs of a Potential Septic Emergency
If homeowners pay attention to their septic system, they will have warning signs that it is about to fail. This will allow them to take action and potentially avoid the emergency. Things to be on the lookout for include:
* Fixtures in the home that drain slowly.
* Gurgling heard in the pipes and plumbing system.
* Bad odors being emitted from the septic system drain field after heavy water use or rainfall.
* Water starting to back up into the basement.
* Plumbing or septic tank backups.
* Water that is standing in the drain field.
Reacting to a Septic Emergency
For homeowners who discover that there is sewage in their home, it is a good idea to lift up the lid of the tank and see the water level. A professional service can also be called to check this for the homeowner. In some cases, if the water is lower than normal, the pipe that goes between the tank and the house may have become clogged. At this point, calling for Emergency Septic Service in Quakertown PA is essential.
If the water is higher than the outlet, then the issue is with the tank, the drain field or one of the other components of the septic system. At this point, it will be time to get the tank pumped so that it will provide some time to figure out what to do next. Also, when the tank is pumped, the pumper will be able to see if the issue is more complex, or one that offers and easy fix.
Take the time to get more info here to ensure an emergency issue does not occur. While no one wants to have to deal with this, having a plan can reduce the effect of the problem. Keep this in mind to ensure the offending issue is found in a timely manner.