Is your child having trouble at school? Does he often squint or cover one eye when he’s trying to make out words from a distance? It could be an eye problem. Don’t let eye trouble get in the way of your kid’s enjoyment of school. As soon as you see the signs, head to a pediatric eye care doctor right away. Not sure what the signs are, though? Then read on for some tips from KidsHealthOrg on what to look for:
For babies, these are some of the signs that your child has an eye problem:
* Your kid rubs his eyes frequently.
* He’s extremely sensitive to the light.
* He has a hard time focusing.
* He has trouble tracking an object
* The alignment of your child’s eyes is off.
* There’s chronic redness in and around the eyes.
* His pupil is white instead of black.
If your child is already at school, then here are some of the signs you should be on the lookout for:
* Having a hard time making out the words on a blackboard
* Can’t see objects at a distance
* Frequent squinting
* Has a hard time reading. That or holds the book too close to his face.
* Sits too close to the TV.
As soon as you see any of these signs or suspect there’s a problem, seek out the help of a pediatric eye care professional right away. This is particularly important in the case of babies, where immediate medical attention can effectively prevent any chances of future blindness.
Vision Correctness
Whatever kind of eye trouble your child has, make sure you consult an eye doctor to find out what kind of vision correctness is ideal for his situation. Sometimes it’s a pair of glasses, other times it’s a pair of contact lens. In cases where the damage is extensive, surgery might be required, though, so be ready for anything.
Routine Checkups
To make sure your child’s vision and eye development are all on track, it’s always best to take him to the doctor for regular eye checkups and examinations. That’s an effective way for you to catch symptoms early on, monitor your child for signs of any other eye problems, and with the help of doctors, provide him with the best treatment possible. For pediatric eye care in Grand Rapids, visit Grand Rapids Ophthalmology for more details.