Steampunk Jewellery – A Present From The Past

by | Mar 5, 2015 | Jewelry

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There is no question that the Steampunk fashion stream is beginning to become much more mainstream from the underground circles where it has long been an extremely well-kept secret. In fact, you can now see Steampunk fashion on the catwalks, and it has even begun to catch the eye of the media. An interesting thought is whether or not the original followers will forsake this fashion trend once it hits mainstream fashion.

While the Steampunk trend has quite an interesting history from the classic books of HG Wells and Jules Verne to the Graphic novels of Alan Moore, role playing games, art and clothes, for many it is the jewellery that really makes the statement.

The fact is that Steampunk jewellery is a unique type of artistic and creative expression. It has earned much of its look from the darker Victorian era; however, the modern form that is presented and loved today is still relatively new. While the ideas for this jewellery go back a large number of years, it offers a number of extremely unique designs that are appealing to all types of fashion-lovers.

Essentially, steampunk jewellery mixes together some of the past – jewellery from the Victorian era mixed with the industrial revolution – along with a bit of futuristic reality you can find based in the realm of science fiction. This makes it unique wearables that can complement any type of fashion look or apparel you may love and wear on a daily basis.

The creation of steampunk jewellery offers concepts of time, industry and age and blends together a number of components such as military medals, antique skeleton keys and watch gears for the creation of necklaces, bracelets and rings. Its distinguished character is able to be seen by the presence of fused metals that includes everything from titanium and aluminium to bronze and copper, which is harvested from old machines, vintage jewellery and Swiss watches.

With this jewellery trend, crafters are turning what others would consider junk into wearable art. Since this type of jewellery is a combination of various odds and ends that are found by the creator, there are no two pieces that will ever be exactly alike.

While this jewellery trend is still not seen in mainstream boutiques and fashion shops, there are a number of specialised stores where you can purchase it. It is a handmade craft, which means you can find a designer you love and receive unique pieces made just for you.


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