You are entitled to Social Security Disability Benefits if you become disabled and cannot work. However, being entitled is often a long way from actually receiving benefits. The Social Security Disability Income (SSD) filing experience is complex, and it can be very daunting to anyone and especially a person who is not feeling well. More than 75 percent of initial applications filed in Tennessee for SSD benefits are denied, and this is one of the highest denial rates in the nation.
Filing an initial application for SSD benefits will have a better chance of approval if you ask the Social Security Lawyers in Nashville TN to help you with preparing the initial claim. The Social Security Lawyer knows the SSD application process, and he can use his experience and knowledge to help you get the best results possible on the first filing. Even though you believe you have answered all of the question and provided all of the information, you may have missed something you were not even aware of. When you file alone, errors on your application for benefits can lead to a denial. If you are denied for any reason, you will need the Social Security Lawyers in Nashville TN to prepare an appeal for you.
An attorney with the Social Security Lawyers in Nashville TN is experienced in the Social Security Disability process. He will know the next steps toward getting you approved, so you should not give up. More than 70 percent of those claimants who were denied benefits are ultimately approved. You can be in that 70 percent.
The Appeals Hearing is not in a court room setting. It is more informal like a conference room and the judge does not wear a robe. You will be given a chance to get your case heard through your attorney. Your attorney will completely review your case and determine if special medical evidence is required, or a medical specialist is required at the Hearing. He will make certain that all of your medical records will support your claim, and any other records required will be obtained by your attorney. Michael D. Ponce & Associates are experienced SSD attorneys.