Tips from a Pediatric Dentist in Victorville on How to Take Care of Your Kid’s Teeth

by | Jul 8, 2014 | Dentist

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A good dental hygiene should start as soon as the milk teeth start erupting. Taking good care of your child’s teeth will not only save him from scary dentist’s appointments, but it will save you money as well. A good pediatric Dentist in Victorville will make sure that you have all the necessary information required to take care of baby teeth. Here are some helpful tips from an experienced dental practitioner on how you can maintain good oral hygiene in children.

Take care of baby teeth

While many parents tend to think that it is not necessary to take care of baby teeth, as they will come off anyway, primary teeth help a lot in the early child development by ensuring proper speech development. With strong baby teeth, a child can chew all the healthy food needed for development. It is advisable to use a small, soft toothbrush and warm water to brush primary teeth. Use pea-sized toothpaste if you are sure that the child will spit out the toothpaste. It is also important to visit a dentist at this early stage so that he can look at the child’s teeth and advise you on the best tooth decay prevention measures and general oral hygiene.

Use fluoride

At the tender age when a child is still not able to use toothpaste, a parent might worry about a child getting cavities. This is because mere warm water will not offer full protection. However, giving your child fluoride water or fluoride supplements will help in protecting the enamel against decay.

Check the teeth regularly

As a preventive measure, do regular checks on the child’s teeth and see if any cavities are forming. Cavities start as lines close to the gums or as white or brown spots on the teeth. If you notice such, visit a pediatric Dentist in Victorville. You can also use sealants on the kid’s first and second permanent molars to prevent them from decaying.

For pediatric and other dental services, look no further than West Covina Family Dentistry. They offer quality and personalized dentistry services at affordable prices.


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