When you are injured on the job, you may feel as though you have no recourse, especially if you fear to lose your job over it. Facing this case on your own can be risky. This is why you need to hire an experienced Indian Head Park workers compensation attorney to help with your case. The following tips will ensure you don’t make any detrimental mistakes as you move forward with your case.
Be Verbal
It can be tempting to respond with a nod to your head or some other sound that represents an affirmative or negative response. However, the court documents every case in a written format, which can make recording these responses difficult. Therefore, it’s important to give verbal responses to every question you are asked, as well as to be clear and descriptive when necessary.
Listen First
It’s easy to anticipate the question and answer according to what you think you will be asked. However, this can have negative repercussions on your case. Always listen carefully to every question in its entirety before responding. This will ensure you give an accurate, appropriate response and will prevent you from falling victim to misleading questions.
Remain Calm
You may feel emotionally stressed, but it’s important to stay as calm as possible. Your Indian Head Park workers compensation attorney may be able to help with this task. Listen to what your team of lawyers has to say and try to follow their instructions to the letter to ensure the best results.
Don’t Speculate
If you are unsure of the question asked, don’t be afraid to request clarification. This will help you fully understand how you should answer the question. Vague answers can be used against you so you need to know exactly what you’re answering. Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know if you truly don’t know how to answer a question.
If you’ve been injured on the job and need the help of an Indian Head Park workers compensation attorney, visit the Mary Ann Covone, Attorney at Law, website to find out more.