Using Experienced Exterminators for Quick Rodent Control in Jackson, NJ

by | Mar 27, 2020 | Pest Control

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Mice and rats are resilient creatures that can quickly overtake your home. They reproduce at rapid rates and can create new populations of rodents that will thrive and grow in your home unless you take fast measures to get rid of them.

Rather than using products like traps and powders that you can find at the grocery or hardware store, you can eliminate mice and rats faster by hiring an experienced extermination service to treat your home for the problem. These reasons can convince you to hire contractors who specialize in fast and efficient rodent control in Jackson, NJ, today.

Finding the Source of the Problem

Before the extermination contractors can get rid of the infestation, they need to find out where the rodents are coming into your home. They can seal off that entry point and treat it with toxins that will deter and kill mice and rats. Once they treat the problem at the source, they can then move on to killing adults and newly born mice in your house.

To treat existing mice and rats in the place, the exterminators can layout toxic gel and put down traps. These resources kill rodents quickly. They also prevent newborn rats and mice from growing up into adults that can reproduce quickly.

You can find out more about rodent control in Jackson, NJ, online. Go to Freehold Pest Control, Inc. to get details today.

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