In Wisconsin, traumatic brain injuries have devastating effects on the victim and their family. The individual’s prognosis after treatment determines how the injuries affect the rest of their lives. It also defines the level of liability the accountable party faces. A brain injury attorney in Sheboygan WI explains lawsuit probabilities and possible outcomes for victims or their families.
Sudden Personality Changes
Sudden personality changes occur after traumatic brain injuries. Victims could become a completely different person after the injuries. Some suffer memory loss and never recover their memories of their current life. For others, the injuries cause them to become violent and dangerous to their families.
Extensive Health Care Needs
Patients who sustain the injuries could require extensive health care needs, such as long-term care in a nursing home facility. Families incur high costs that are often unaffordable and extend disability and long-term care policies secured for the individual. Some patients require a higher level of care throughout the rest of their lives.
All Financial Losses for the Family
When filing a lawsuit, it is necessary for the patient or their family to collect information about all their financial losses. Medical expenses, lost wages, auto repair costs for auto accidents, and other costs related to the patient’s injuries are added to the lawsuit. The circumstances in which the individual sustained the injuries determines if an damages other than economic damages are available to them or their family. For example, in a medical malpractice case, the doctor might be ordered to provide punitive damages.
When the Victim Dies
A wrongful death lawsuit is filed if the victim doesn’t survive their injuries. Families include funeral expenses, the loss of financial support, the loss of companionship, and other tort-based requests to the lawsuit.
In Wisconsin, traumatic brain injuries often lead to fatalities and serious disabilities for victims. Sudden personality changes are common with the injuries, and some injuries aren’t discovered initially. It is also possible for victims to require lifelong health services, such as in-home nursing. Some victims die due to their injuries, too. Victims of traumatic brain injuries contact a brain injury attorney in Sheboygan WI and schedule an appointment right now.