4 Ways You can do Your Part to Stop Elder Abuse and Neglect

by | Jan 12, 2016 | Law Firms

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It is everyone’s responsibility in society today to stop elder abuse and neglect from happening. All too often, you see in the news where another elderly person has been harmed or even tragically has died at the hands of people who should have been the caregiver they could trust. The first thing you need to do as a concerned citizen if you suspect this type of abuse is going on is to contact a reputable elder neglect attorney in Sacramento area.

However, it is impossible to stop this type of abuse if you don’t know what is going on to begin with. Read on below for some of the ways you can stop elder abuse and neglect in its tracks today.

Keep in Touch
One of the best ways to prevent neglect of older people is to take care of them when you can. Visit an elderly relative or friend and ask how they are doing. Invite them to be with your family over the holidays or even take them to dinner and a movie with you and your children.

Think of Ways They can Help You
Believe it or not, the older people in society have a ton of knowledge to share. Think of a few ways that your old friend can help out. Whether it’s helping with cross stitch projects, or sharing old family recipes in the kitchen, feeling included will help prevent them from feeling neglected and alone.

Give the Caregiver a Much Needed Break
Looking after an older relative can be hard on the caregiver in charge. Go over at least once a week and give the caregiver a break, even if it’s only a few hours to go do something they have wanted to do. A lot of elder neglect and abuse could be avoided if other family members and friends offered to help more often.

Educate Others
Go into local banks or the bank your loved one uses and ask the bank teller if his tellers are trained to spot the signs of elder abuse and neglect. While not a physical or mental sign of abuse, fraud is another form of abuse just the same and needs to be stopped.

These are just four ways that you can do your part to stop elder neglect and abuse and doing your part is half the battle.

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