There may be times within your business discussions when you need to accommodate someone with a hearing impairment. Legally, it is your responsibility to make sure such accommodations are offered for them. You can hire ASL interpreting services to assist you with such needs. This may be on a regular basis or just on a very rare occasion.
Business Oriented
It is important to find ASL interpreting services that can be offered by someone who is business oriented with your type of company. They don’t need to know the specifics of your business operations, but they should have a solid foundation about the type of business you conduct. This will make it easier for them to successfully conduct the interpretation services.
Verified and Confidential
It is important to work with a business who takes ASL interpreting services very seriously. Find out what types of verifications they have in place for those that hire. You need to be confident the person sent to you has the right skills. Has the provider conducted a background check and cleared the individual? You don’t want to risk someone with a checkered past being in your business and having access to details that could be compromised.
The discussions within any business should be held in confidence when ASL interpreting services are in place. You need to feel relaxed and comfortable with them in the room. You should be able to freely express what you need to say. The other party should feel the same way. This interpreter needs to be a third party that serves as a connection between the two of you.
Cost of Services
The services offered should be exceptional in every way. They should also be affordable and reliable. You need to be assured the interpreter will show up on time. They should show up for the meeting a bit before the other party does. This can give you some time to introduce yourself and to go over some basic information with them.
The cost will depend on the agency you work with. It will also depend on the amount of time they spend completing the interpreting for you and your client. Most of them charge a base fee plus a per hour charge. This can help you to get a good idea of how much the cost will be for your scheduled appointment.
Always thank them for their services and let them know when they are free to go. If you like the services offered, you may be able to request that same interpreter again in the future. Make sure you give feedback to the agency that about the experience. They can use that information to help them continue to offer the very best possible services.