There are many different options in all types of dental office equipment, and this includes the varieties and options in dental saliva ejectors on the market. These low-volume ejectors are used in a range of procedures, particularly in preventative and proactive care types of applications.
In this type of use, they are designed to provide a continuous level of suction that removes the naturally produced saliva, while the high-volume evacuators are used to remove the larger volumes of water used for rinsing during dental procedures and dental surgeries.
Two Components
There are two components to a saliva ejector. The body of the ejector is used to create a grip for the dental hygienist or dentist, while the tip is inserted into the patient’s mouth. Tips are hollow plastic tubes that have a comfortable end piece that rests in the mouth. These are typically disposable plastic for optimal patient safety and can be straight or hooked for ease of use.
The body of the saliva ejector also has a controller to allow for one and off fingertip control of the suction. Some use a slide mechanism on the side of the ejector, while others use a lever. With the lever option, there is easier control of the suction from all angles, allowing the professional to grip the body of the ejector in a comfortable position.
Customized Options
Most of the models of ejectors are small and compact, but a small number of specialized companies can provide custom designs in ejectors to meet specific user requirements. A customized saliva ejector is an ideal option for any type of practice or for specialized types of procedures and patient requirements.
With correct cleaning and limited maintenance requirements, ejectors can last for years of daily use in a dental practice. Buying quality ejectors that are easy to use and practical is always the best choice to prove top return on investment for the practice.