Chiropractic services in Princeton Junction, NJ help patients deal with back, shoulder, and jaw pain. These problems can migrate and affect the entire body and a person’s well-being. Chiropractic treatments are a non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical way to treat the whole person.
Back Pain
Some chiropractic offices today use technology to help them pinpoint the source of the pain and develop a suitable treatment plan. To get to the root of your problem, your doctor may use X-rays and order a neurological exam. With a complete medical history, you may embark on a protocol of structural rehabilitation or spinal decompression.
Shoulder Pain
If you have lost some mobility in your shoulders or they freeze, you may be suffering from a degenerative disease, like arthritis, or you may have injured your rotator cuff. Chiropractic services in Princeton Junction, NJ may tackle these issues with laser or sound treatment. Lasers can effectively get to the soft tissues and stimulate cell growth. Shoulder pain often leads to back and neck problems. A chiropractor can help you with adjustments and realignments to reduce the stress load on your upper body.
TMJ or Jaw Pain
If the joints in the jaw get misaligned, it can lead to headaches, popping, and inflammation. A chiropractor uses specific digital tools to track your jaw and neck movement. One way to correct the issue is with cold laser therapy, and your chiropractic and dental team may work together. Chiropractic services in Princeton Junction, NJ help people tackle ongoing diseases, sudden injuries, and ergonomic problems.